Hair Tresses for Testing and Chemical Formulators

Prarvi is a source of very high quality and pure hair which is why we have been chosen by many labs and color manufacturers to supply high-quality hair to them for testing their products. 

Our hair tresses products for cosmetic formulators include grey hair with different levels for testing dyes and colors, curly hair for testing of hot irons and variety of straight hair for testing of shampoos.


We provide hair with wax strips for the same. We also certify country of origin which is India in our case. We only supply virgin unprocessed hair for this and can mix and match different blends to suit the requirements for hair chemists. Given my chemical engineering background,


I take the personal interest in ensuring the highest quality hair tresses for cosmetic formulators, labs and other manufacturing companies who need this. If you are a cosmetic formulator, a research lab in hair/ fiber testing,

Please write to me directly at and I will quickly address your need.  

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