Aug 16 , 2017
Demistifying Wearing Wigs
Wigs were once considered to be a taboo in the society. I remember the time when most of the women and men used to be scared of wearing wigs.
The constant fear of someone noticing the fact that they’re wearing unnatural hair was what we had to see some time back. But today, the scenario has completely changed. Wigs have started to create a trend by itself. Everyone loves experimenting with new styles, and wigs help them do that. Many of those who have issues with their hair, tend to use wigs to cover it up. Some use it to try different styles while others just don’t ever want to have a ‘bad hair day’!
Here are some of the reasons why wigs have broken the taboo in the society.
1) Helps cover up natural hair issues
Women and men have so many hair problems. Hair loss or hair fall is by far, the most common hair problem that everyone faces. Some have terrible hair loss and is evidently shown in their scalp. Wigs help save people from such problems. Receding hairlines is also another problem that most face. Wigs help cover up these issues and give them the confidence they deserve.
2) Wigs make life easier. Everyone leads a busy life these days. We barely find time to breathe, let alone to fix our hair. With the constant struggles and hurdles, we have to face in life, looking good all the time becomes a burden. Wearing a wig ensures good hair, all day. Not much effort is put in and at the same time, the desired results come out. No matter what work one is caught up, wigs make sure that our desired look stays the same all the time.
3) Freedom to try any style without the mess.
Changing the texture of hair, trying out a different hair color, trying out daring styles are all possible with wigs. One need not feel scared about experimenting with their choices, cause at the end of the day, their natural hair is not affected by any of these actions. Wigs give you the freedom to be you. It helps you give that push to try out everything, which may be without it, you might never try!
4) Say goodbye to bad hair days
Let’s face it. All of us look funny in the morning. Apart from fighting with the crankiness of getting up early in the morning, we are forced to fight with the condition of our hair too. Some days it looks perfect while on the other days, it’s just a complete mess. It’s very hard to get the desired look that we want. But with wigs, having a bad hair day is never a problem. It’s a good day every day.
5) Helps your natural hair to be untouched.
The less you meddle with your natural hair, the more chances it has of growing in a healthy manner. Usually, our natural hair gets really worn out with the constant heating, bleaching, and coloring. So it’s always good to give it a break by using wigs.
These are some of the wonderful reasons as to why we should adapt to the usage of wigs.
I’ll also share some tips for taking good care of the wigs.
1) Make sure your wigs never have tangles or knots. If they do, you have to detangle them with a tooth comb.
2) To wash the wig, saturate it in a bowl of water and then shampoo and condition it.
3) Never use a towel to dry the wig. Let it air dry
4) Never style a wig while it’s still wet
5) Wash your wig only after you’ve worn it many times.
6) Make sure you get a stand to keep your wig when it’s not used.
7) Invest money and get the right hair products for your wig.
So we’ve now understood the various reasons why wigs are popular these days than why it was before. Wigs are a beautiful recreation of hair and today, everyone uses a wig.
Gone are the days when we were supposed to feel shy about using a wig. Let’s embrace this and flaunt our styles the way we want.
Matthew Francis Fanfera
Hey can I have a wig please?