Feb 22 , 2021
Spice up your look with latest trend-Salt and Pepper Hair
Let’s start with a short Flashback:
Gray hair didn’t even impress women years ago as it is used to be something we all wanted to hide and for centuries people have invested a lot of time and efforts to hide it by either dying or applying colour.But the question is does gray or silver hair actually make you look older...??
The answer is NOOO,NOT ANYMORE ....as it’s actually now a trend that no one can resist.
The trend was first started by fashion designer Jean Pane in the year 2011 wherein his models had silver hair, making it a cult in the second decade of 21st century.
Coming to What is Salt and Pepper Look:
Nowadays Salt and Pepper Hair is in and is totally of the moment of 2020-2021.
It is basically a mix of gray,silver and black hair and also can be seen as combination of black and gray shades that looks naturally shiny with some traces of white hair not to mention universally attractive and top choice of many women in this modern fashion world.
Gray Is The New Black:
The idea of ‘gray is bad’ has gone through a tremendous change over past few years and today gray hair seems to be a huge trend settlers not only for the ones who are going gray but this look is in huge demand even in hair extensions for all trendsetters wanting to stand out with bold gray hair.
The Salt and Pepper Hair Extensions are made up of 100% virgin remy human hair which is procured straight from temples and are made up by mixing black and gray and silver hair and finally later on these hair weaves are double stitched to fit seamlessly on your head.
Going Gray can look fresh,young and fun So if you are also thinking of embracing or trying out this gorgeous look then why don’t you just go ahead and get inspired by our flattering Salt and Pepper hair extensions to make you look forever young and be a part of the trend that is lasting a while.
Once a stigma,is now purely accepted as natural hence forth to explore an altogether new look.
To know more about this trend just checkout the link showing celebrities and influencers flaunting their style in salt and pepper look.