Loose curls hairstyles for medium hair level

Nov 01 , 2017


Preeti Gupta

Loose curls hairstyles for medium hair level

As I  mentioned in the other blogs, I personally feel that loose curls are kicking in the trend right now. While there used to be a time when everyone was enthusiastic about having straight hair, the same set of people are ever more ready to get curls. Medium level hair is one of the best to start trying out loose curl styles. Here are some hairstyles that women with medium level hair can try out :

1) The classic S
The classic S is nothing but the perfect curls that girls love. It’s wavy, it’s curly and it’s definitely attractive. It starts wavy at the top and moves on to becoming beautiful curls at the bottom.
Being medium length hair, the curls would be magnificently shown. One can use curly extensions and smooth them out with their fingers. This is one of the must-try looks of all times.
2) The thin curls
Thin curls are nothing but curls on the hair but with lean strands. Lean strands of hair curled up means a lot more wavy curls which makes it look like a bunch of curly strands. This is a look women often use when they go out for a function or an event. It brings out confidence and unleashes a new side of theirs. Extensions of your hair texture can be rightly used with these curls.
3) The straight curly look
This style is perfect for those who love the best of both worlds. It’s where the hair is straight from the scalp and then curls its way towards the end. This brings out elegance and class. It makes one look really special and attractive. It goes with all types of attire and gives all the women the gorgeous look that they want. Wigs of this sort are easily available.
4) The highlighted curls
This a hairstyle where you can highlight your curls or you can get your highlights curled or could even highlight your hair and then color it. This is an experiment with colors and hair. Whichever way you do it becomes a beautiful style of its own. This is simply because the color of your highlights makes one glance at it again. It becomes a different style because these curls are clearly visible and add another reason for your beauty to the beam.

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