May 18 , 2017
History of Wigs
The idea of wigs is not something that is entirely new to people.
We see it everywhere, in stores, on TV and even celebrities using it as a new style. It was when my son had a project related to this, I was motivated to search more about wigs. I was surprised when I got to realize that wigs had a history too. Wouldn’t you like to know what it’s about?
The art of wig making dates back to the Egyptian times where wigs were used by both men and women. The Egyptians used to shave their heads for two reasons – to get away from the heat and to get rid of lice. The wigs thus made helped the Egyptians cover their bald heads from the sun. Over a period of time, women’s wigs started to gain momentum. It was made with ornaments, gold and hair rings. Wigs slowly started to gain the importance of representing a social class or social rank. Wigs were made from human hair, sheep’s wool or vegetable fibers which denoted their social rank.
As time passed by, The Romans, Greeks, Assyrians, and the Phoenicians started using wigs. Roman women used to wear hairpieces to increase the volume and effect of the hairstyle.
These wigs were often made from the hair of their slaves. The Christian beliefs and influences during 1200-1400 AD, wigs weren’t preferred much. But during the 1400-1600 AD, the fashion for wigs started trending in for women.
Wigs started making its appearance during the reign of Louis XIII who went prematurely bald. To cover up this baldness, he started wearing wigs. Soon that created the trend in France.
By the 18th century, France started witnessing fancy wigs. And soon, the wigmakers spread across the world, to all the European capitals. Queen Elizabeth I of England is also known for her wigs.
Wigs enjoyed their demand only until the French Revolution, after which, it started losing its magic. People were more confident with their own hair that they didn’t need a wig again.
But the 20th Century saw the demand for wigs again, but not in the same way it once used to be.
Today wigs are not just used to look stylish, but for much more. I’ve come across many people who feel embarrassed to use wigs. But I hope that this article makes them realize that many of the great leaders used wigs proudly. And also, more than half the globe is known for using wigs during a period of time. So feel free to look beautiful and experiment with different styles.
If you have any more interesting facts and stories about wigs, you’re free to mail me at preeti@prarvi.com