Sep 13 , 2017
Do’s and Don’ts of Wigs
With a lot of Do’s and Don’ts blogs that I’ve been putting up. This is the most requested one.
Wigs, as you all know, is used by a wide set of people. Some for Fashion and some for their needs, wigs help everyone. But what most of them don’t think about is the maintenance of wigs. These hair products are usually taken for granted and hence it’s important to take proper care of the wigs. Here are some of the tips that one must be considerate of while using wigs.
- Get a wig that suits your face shape. This is very important as only if one’s face suits the wig structure, it’ll look good.
- Wash it to utter perfection in the most natural way or take it to a hairstylist.
- Get the most natural color and natural looking wig.
- Find a wig that matches your hairline. This is important as the forehead lining is important.
- Keep your hair natural and smooth underneath and covered with a wig cap. Mesh caps are bit cooler.
- Use the right amount of hair products to wash and take care of the wigs. This is important as just mainly using the wig is not enough, but taking care of it is important too.
- Visiting a hairstylist is quite important as they know how to keep the wig in shape.
- Don’t go for a wig that does not have a natural looking hairline.
- Do not stop yourself from buying a costly wig as it is important to invest in a good wig; otherwise, it wouldn’t last for a long time.
- Do not keep coloring your wig as it can reduce the quality of the wig.
- Do not use heating products on your wig to a large extent.
- Do not wear the wig for a long period of ti
- Do not go for a wig that is too bulky at the crown.
- Do not forget to maintain the wig.
As I always mention in most of my blogs, it is very important to consider your wigs as your own hair. Proper care must be given to it. The moment you treat it as synthetic hair, it will lose the natural look and this will definitely result in the loss of money and effort. I hope this blog helped all of you to understand a little more about choosing and maintaining the right wig for you.