Adding capabilities and product lines to support Salons

Dec 17 , 2020


Preeti Gupta

Adding capabilities and product lines to support Salons

Prarvi manufacturing of hair and hair pieces is focused on providing quality services, products and income addition to hair stylists and salons. We started with an idea that high-quality products will attract repeated business for our clients and hence we focused on that. We have overtime added variety of schemes and products lines to support the needs of the hair-stylists and salon owners. We have upgraded our quality further and added new capabilities in India for the manufacturing of complex wigs. I come from a background in chemical engineering, so I could understand hair from that perspective. But over time, I developed my deep insight in designing and understanding the hair products and built high-quality net sourcing. I developed clearer patterns of knotting of hairs and precise lines of hair patterns for invisible front lines. I further added manufacturing of front lace, full lace and all other patterns in India when everyone around me said that you should manufacture this in China. It has been a fascinating journey of knowledge, design, and capability to build out for me to manufacture complex hair pieces. I am still perfecting the art and science of wig measurements, hair loss piece measurements and converting them into the best possible design with right mechanical and aesthetic properties. While purchasing from China could have been a very easy route, I was never sure that I will be able to make a quality promise to my clients. My promise to be true to myself never allowed me to take shortcuts on the manufacturing side and I think that has what has led to the popularity of my brand, my client's businesses and the success that Prarvi has achieved over last 30 months.


  • Jessica

    Thanks for sharing this with us
    You have just given me more reason to choose Prarvi hair and also recommend it to my friends
    I personally like your products because of its uniqueness. It seems to be very different from other regular hair products out there..
    Keep up the good job of perfecting it always. I’ll keep coming back

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